BOOKS METAVERSE VIRGILIO DEGIOVANNI - Virtual reality, augmented and their implementation with the metaverse are creating more and more interest, both in the market and in other areas such as school education. This attention has led many to invest in this reality and to write books on why to invest in it, or to share their experience with the metaverse. This is, for example, the case of Virgilio Degiovanni with the book 'From Hell to Metaland'. Below you will find 5 recommended books on the new way to communicate and explore reality.
'From Hell to Metaland' is the entrepreneurial story of Virgilio Degiovanni, a charismatic and controversial character, who was at the center of cases of national importance before a serious almost fatal accident stopped him completely. In his new book Degiovanni tells how life sent him to hell and how he was able to recover thanks to Metaland’s dream come true.
As you read in a passage of the book:
"Metaland is the Metaverse where with an infinity of people we will create what in the end the reserve to those who have the patience and courage to wait, as well as the stubbornness to chase when everything and everyone tells him hinder him, they say no, they try to stop him: a real virtual world. Where you can live, work, earn, have fun and pass your own time as you could ever in the real world".
ATS Metaland is a project born in 2018 that has given life, in a sense, to Virgilio Degiovanni, and that offers endless possibilities to those who visit it. Which ones? Just read the book to find out everything and get to know what’s behind this project.
"Through an avatar narrator named M€T, born of the author’s imagination, the book offers the reader an overview that aims to understand the new phenomenon of the Metaverse and how it will impact concretely in business and everyday life. The volume deals clearly and effectively with:
It is a guide made by defi Consultings on:
"With the arrival of Web 3.0 and the changes in how we use money or play or interact with everything around us, things can quickly overtake us if we don’t keep up.
This is where this book comes from in your car. Discover Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Defi, Web 3.0, NFT, Cryptocurrencies and get ready for the new digital revolution will help you get an overview of these advances, with chapters that include:
What is the Metaverse
This book - read the description - is a great starting point if you don’t know anything or you just have a passing idea of what advantages and benefits might be expected, but it is also useful to deepen some topics you are already aware of, so take a copy now and start understanding the future better today!"
"Although the Metaverses have existed for more than two decades, they were neither widely known nor adopted outside the gaming industry. However, with the meteoric rise of defi and NFT applications in the last two years, the metaverse has suddenly become a buzzword.
Today Metaverse platforms are multiplying and are integrating the concept of decentralized finance (defi) with that of NFT (non-fungible tokens) to create sensational 3D experiences and allow users to monetize during the game (Play to Earn).
This book will teach you all about making money with real estate and virtual land through investments in the new digital economy, the Metaverse world and all the new technologies that have to do with it".
NFT: big collectibles or limited edition?
Viola Meacci, student of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pisa, has always been interested in the world of journalism. In her job, she explored the world of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFT and metaverse which she now very is passionate about it .