Companies that want to internazionalize their business with the Metaverse

Companies that want to internazionalize their business with the Metaverse

13 September 2022


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Every Company is thinking about how to use the metaverse and the first thing there is no doubt about is that choosing to project your company into the metaverse is a strategic choice of internazionalization and expansion of customers and international reputation.

It's not just about having a virtual office, using bots, images, videos, socials network and than branding, increasing the customer experience - companies has to decide also in which metaverse to place themselves and with whom - metaverse is an immense virtual world where companies must organize themselves (you can read also the article Ikea's approach)

You can imagine the metaverse as a village, a shopping center, a neighborhood a free place for everyone, but also many interconnected worlds!

There are already very populated metaverses but they are the ones based on the game - the challenge is to create them tailored to the consumer and the company.

In Italy we have already an example of Brand exported on known Metaverse, it's Sant'Anna ( yes, she is the one of water!) they took a very "international" choice, having their own map/village on the Metaverse of Decentraland, which actually already boasts a few million users connected per month from all over the world. Some kind of advantage!!

A part from this and other cases, probably at the end of 2022 we will have the pleasure of seeing the first metaverses other than the "game" inaugurated. This process has already started for at least a year and it is inevitable it's just a metter of doing it best. It will be also the new way to do e-commerce, the old model can no longer work as it has finished its cycle.

These are the wainting times!

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