EU Metaverse: flop

EU Metaverse: flop 

15 January 2023


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EU Metaverse is a flop. The European Union spent over €387 K but citizens do not appreciate it. 

The Metaverse would have served to bring young people closer to politics.

The EU project was financed by Bruxelles which closed it, maybe, forever.

Why the EU project failed

“Global Gateway” is the name of the project.

It is a platform which is part of an international program concerning investments, technology and health.

But, what is the reason why the Metaverse was a flop? 

The first event online on “Global Gateway” was on Oct.19 to launch it and to speak about Guatemala’s coffee. We can define it a a test: not only to verify the functioning of the platform, but also to verify the success of the project. And the result was a very big flop. 

In fact, only two people were online that day!

The second one event that was organized, on Nov. 29, saw only 300 people partecipate remotely. 

Another flop that Bruxelles could not tolerate. 

A wrong step 

Mc Group was the communication agency that role was to use this euros to develop the Metaverse. 

Until 2027, the EU commission promised to dispense over €300 B for investments around the world - like the development of hydrogen production. 

These money should have been channeled through the project “Global Gateway”: here is its main importance. 


The idea of ​​the European Metaverse would have been a virtual meeting place for under 35s to discuss political issues. 

“An agora where to project success stories, promote the values ​​of the Union and strengthen relations with the countries where the block intends to invest (although the promotion concerned Italy, Germany, France. Spain, Romania and Denmark, with posts on social media , posters and art installations”. 

By now the money has been spent but no certain news of the future use of the Metaverse. 

About its destination of use, the EU Commission hasn't made a decision yet. 

An external evaluation will examine this case. It will determinate the traffic on the platform and the reaching of the potential target users and also other more specific parameters. 

SOURCE: Wired 


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