J.P. Morgan and Visa cemented their partnership

J.P. Morgan and Visa cemented their partnership

14 October 2022


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J.P. Morgan and Visa had a cooperation in the field of Blockchain. They decided that will use new tools from their private Blockchain Liink and B2B Connect to help cross-border payments. 

Liink - property of J.P. Morgan - is made by Onyx. 

Onyx has a team of experts on B2B payments who focus on improving the payments process for hotels, travel, agencies, corporate travel departments, event planners and others. Onyx’s Confirm is an account-information validation product that certify transactions giving users genuine identities and correct informations.

Confirm now has been integrated to Visa’s B2B Connect. 

J.P. Morgan also announced that Deutsche Bank will soon be a founding member of Confirm. 

SOURCE: Forbes 


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