NFT, becoming increasingly popular, have become attractive to hackers.
In particular, a new fraud is to hold users’ NFT on OpenSea through phishing sites.
Users, have to approve a signature request with an indecipherable message to do sales.
So, phishing websites have been using this trick to ask users to sign the indecipherable messages.
These messages bring to a private sale of the NFT’s victims. They subscribe and automatically they send NFTs to hackers.
This fraud was identificate by the blockchain security company like “ice phishing”.
The fraud is a serious warning: users have to pain attention!
SOURCE: CoinTelegraph
Chiara Chiommino is a graduating student in science of communication with work’s experience in social media marketing and web marketing as Brand Manager for Italian Cigar Group SRL. She took part in an internship experience entitled "Il Metaverso" in Italy.