The report of the Antimafia Investigation Directorate highlights a growing interest of criminal organizations in encrypted communication platforms, the internet and the darkweb in the second half of 2022. Europol had already pointed out the potential problems linked to this new scenario. Mafias are gradually abandoning the use of violence, increasingly focusing their efforts on business and investment, especially in areas of the country affected by serious economic difficulties. The report stresses that the clans have adopted silent infiltration strategies and corrupt practices, reducing the use of violence and intimidation.
The mafias, thanks to the accumulated capital from their traditional illegal activities, are shifting their attention to entrepreneurial and commercial sectors. These new operating modalities aim to strengthen the associative ties, looking for profits and consents, exploiting the economic difficulties of some zones. "These are 'ways of working' where we try both to strengthen the associative ties through the pursuit of profit and the search for consensus taking advantage of the strong economic suffering that characterizes some areas - reads -, both to keep up with the most advanced investment strategies, managing to seize the opportunities offered by national and community public funds (Recovery Fund and Pnrr)".
Viola Meacci, student of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pisa, has always been interested in the world of journalism. In her job, she explored the world of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFT and metaverse which she now very is passionate about it .