In the world of marketing, crumbling confusion has become a daunting challenge. In both the physical and digital environment, brands are looking for innovative ways to capture attention. A recent analysis reveals that the key value of a marketing campaign lies in its ability to transport consumers to a different dimension, drawing on the escapism of modern society.
Immersive technology, especially the combination of physical and digital solutions known as extended reality, provides a powerful tool to accomplish this. Incorporating elements of surrealism, inspired by artistic movements such as surrealism itself, marketing campaigns can draw on the vibrant and innovative power that captures the imagination of consumers.
Recent examples of surrealist marketing campaigns show the impact of fantastic elements in capturing public attention and engagement. From giant bags that slide through the streets of Paris to shoes that drive themselves and toothpaste falling from the sky, brands are embracing this trend to stand out in the noise of platforms like TikTok and offer an escape from the challenges of the pandemic era.
This particular form of advertising combines the demand for authenticity with a taste for the absurd, resonating with a generation grown into a hybrid reality. Using computer-generated images or physical shows, brands create stunning visuals that hit consumers looking for a break from routine.
The effectiveness of surrealism in marketing lies in its ability to elicit emotional responses, offer evasion and establish strong connections with the public. By embracing this trend, brands differentiate, create memorable experiences, and challenge traditional marketing norms.
In a world where attention is a scarce and limited resource, the ability to tap into human emotions becomes the winning factor, surrealist marketing captures the essence of the extraordinary, leaving an imprint both online and offline. As brands strive to outdo each other, the pendulum could swing toward more traditional and physical approaches, embracing craftsmanship and authentic experiential creativity.
Now is the time for surrealism in marketing. It offers a way to capture the audience’s attention, crumble the noise and stimulate the imagination of consumers. By embracing the power of surrealist elements, brands can leave a lasting imprint, create emotional connections and deliver the extraordinary in everyday life.
Marco Gianni is a market manager italy for Equité brands
The fashion industry has been witness to a major milestone with the recent verdict of a jury trial. The trial marked a victory for the French fashion house, Hermes, against the artist, De Rothschild, in a case related to the "meta-Birkin" non-fungible token. The case has brought to light the significance of the metaverse for the fashion industry and the need for protection of property rights in the digital environment.
The trial revolved around the issue of the first NFT inspired by Hermes' iconic Birkin bag, created by De Rothschild. The NFT was marketed as a meta-Birkin, and its creation had caused concern for Hermes, as it was seen as a threat to the brand's image and value. Hermes promptly took legal action against De Rothschild, asserting that the meta-Birkin was an infringement of their intellectual property rights and that it had the potential to harm their brand value.
The victory of Hermes in its case against De Rothschild, the creator of the first "meta-Birkin," sheds light on the protection of intangible assets in the new meta-economic environment and the critical role the metaverse will play in the classic economy.
Hermes on the metaverse
After a lengthy trial, the jury ruled in favor of Hermes, recognizing the fashion house's rights over the Birkin bag and the importance of protecting intangible assets in the digital environment. The verdict is a crucial step towards the protection of property rights in the metaverse, which has been growing in importance as more and more industries adopt digital technologies.
In a statement released after the trial, Hermes declared the metaverse to be "the future of luxury." The statement highlights the significance of the metaverse for the fashion house and the need to protect property rights in this digital environment. Hermes' decision to invest over 150,000 dollars to obtain an expert opinion in the case further underscores the brand's recognition of the importance of this new parallel world.
The outcome of the trial has far-reaching implications for the fashion industry and beyond. It has brought to light the need for protection of property rights in the metaverse and the critical role that it will play in the future. The verdict serves as a warning to artists and creators who may attempt to use the metaverse for commercial gain, without proper regard for the rights of established brands.
In conclusion, the jury trial verdict in the Hermes vs. De Rothschild case, underlines the strategic significance of the metaverse for the fashion industry and the need for protection of property rights in this digital environment. The verdict serves as a precedent for future cases and underscores the importance of the metaverse for the fashion industry and beyond.
Marco Gianni is a market manager italy for Equité brands