PayPal said it has $1 billion worth of crypto assets on its balance sheet. For this reason, the giant has decided to focus more and more on cryptocurrencies. Specifically, it holds assets in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and Litecoin (LTC).
PayPal has declared that it maintains, within its internal registers, the share of crypto assets owned by its customers and, outside of these, there are no other shares of crypto owned by the company.
The society has introduced numerous services in favor of the use of cryptocurrencies: external wallets in which to transfer money, exchange cryptocurrencies on other apps, the possibility of buying Ethereum via PayPal - thanks to ConsenSys.
SOURCE: TheCryptoGateway
Chiara Chiommino is a graduating student in science of communication with work’s experience in social media marketing and web marketing as Brand Manager for Italian Cigar Group SRL. She took part in an internship experience entitled "Il Metaverso" in Italy.