NFT Environement manifesto - The Meta Economist

The first manifesto for sustainable NFT

4 July 2022


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SUSTAINABLE NFT MANIFESTO - "NFT - uses and consumption responsibly" is the slogan launched by Paolo Taticchi and his team in the digital work that represents a real "NFT Sustainability Manifesto". But why did we need a manifesto clarifying the sustainability of NFTs? Let’s see it together.

The Sustainable NFT Manifesto

NFTs clash with the ESG principles - Environmental, Social and Governance - which will increasingly affect the ability of companies to operate and generate returns while being attentive to the aspect of sustainability. They are considered unsustainable technology. This statement refers to the expensive mining process that drives blockchain. Therefore arises the need to generate new tokens, verify their authenticity and certify the various transactions. Its energy demand is very high and causes high CO2 production.  

This does not alter the fact that NFT and cryptocurrencies are a powerful tool, and will be the protagonists in the near future, on which more and more realities will point and invest, thanks also to the expansion of the phenomenon of the Metaverse. There was therefore a need to create a "Manifesto" that would make NFT sustainable. This is not a project that will make all non-fungible eco-tokens, but one in particular.

The Italian professor at the University College of London, Paolo Taticchi, has drawn up the "NFT Sustainability Manifesto". This is a way to raise awareness among companies that want to invest in NFT about the opportunities and environmental risks that these entail. The manifesto is a real not fungible token, designed by Michele Fabbro and the artist Massimiliano Donnari. It represents Queen Elizabeth II wearing a t-shirt with the Earth that launches a slogan: "NFT - use and consumption responsibly". The digital artwork was created using an energy-efficient blockchain made available by Stratisphere and supported by the Italian company Treedom that planted a tree in honor of the NFT. Inside the description of the work, which you can see once you have viewed the digital work, there is a link that allows you to access and read the entire Manifesto.

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