MADE IN ITALY METAVERSE - The Virtual Store Loft Italy is born that brings food made in Italy in the Metaverso. Tourists will have access to unique experiences related to the world of food, from buying products to real cooking class.
Food is not only a necessity for living, it is also an experience. This is why many activities and experiences revolve around the food industry. For this reason, the protagonists of the environment are always looking for new opportunities to offer consumers to make this world more innovative and experiential and to approach the needs of customers. According to the report by EY - Future Consumer Index - 72% of consumers lead a more homely life than in the pre-pandemia and 53% say they visit physical stores less and less frequently.
Could the food&beverage sector remain outside the Metaverso? Could he give up a market that according to Bloomberg Intelligence could offer an investment opportunity capable of reaching 800 billion dollars already in 2024? Of course not. The food companies already present in the Metaverso are many including Pizza Hut, McDonalds. Now, however, also the food made in Italy has made its entry into this innovative immersive reality.
Imagine yourself walking inside an art gallery and admiring the hanging artwork. Each representation is the exact reproduction of a particular food or dish and if you approach you are catapulted into a different world. This is what will happen within this particular Virtual Store.
Loft Italy is an Italian company, based in Aosta, which manages about thirty holiday homes concentrated mainly in Northern Italy. Among the many offers they have chosen to make available to their customers there is also that of Metaverso. Virtual Store Loft Italy, this is the name of the Metaverso of the company, aims to put food made in Italy at the center of the project, showing every aspect.
By literally entering the works posted on the store, visitors can access numerous initiatives, from conferences to cooking class to know all the information on the production process, the craftsmanship of Italian products. Obviously there is also the possibility to buy the desired products.
In case of foreign tourists visiting the store during their stay in one of the facilities managed by the company promoting the service, they can choose to return to the Metaverso even once back home. In addition, they can decide to take the products to their country of origin thanks to the delivery service.
At the moment, about sixty local producers from seven Italian regions have joined: Piemonte, Lazio, Lombardia, Trentino, Valle d'Aosta, Veneto and Toscana. But the idea is to soon expand the catchment area and go even towards the South, starting from cities such as Naples and Palermo.
The virtual store has already begun to fascinate an important audience, especially among US, British and French tourists. In terms of transactions made the goal is to get about 10 thousand by the end of 2023. For the moment, we have not exceeded a thousand transactions.
Viola Meacci, student of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pisa, has always been interested in the world of journalism. In her job, she explored the world of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFT and metaverse which she now very is passionate about it .