Poap NFT: Certifying participation in events with POAP

Remember an event or trip with POAP

24 October 2022


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POAP NFT - How many times have you come back from a trip and saved the ticket of the vehicle you moved with, or have carefully kept the ticket of the concert of your favorite artist or a film that has been particularly impressed? With POAPs, it is now possible to collect such memories in the Metaverse.

Certifying participation in events with POAP

The Proof of Attendance Protocol - more commonly known by the acronym POAP - are unique NFT details assigned to users of particular events such as masterclasses, webinars, workshops, training courses, concerts, exhibitions to attest to participation.

The use of POAP NFT is particularly widespread within those platforms that rely on Ethereum being mining in the form of smart contracts, with the new procedure of Proof-of-Stake on the blockchain of Ethereum.

As tokens belonging to the NFT family, also the POAP constitute a certificate of unique authenticity, unchangeable and unequivocal, traceable through a unique code that accompanies them from the moment of their creation. They also constitute an act of ownership that assigns them to those who have earned the certificate of participation. The data relating to this information is accessible and always accessible by anyone, while maintaining the guarantee of no alteration and counterfeiting.

From this point of view they resemble very much to the Soulbound, NFT attributable exclusively to a single owner. Unlike SBTs, POAPs can be traded and sold. The important thing is that the history of the property changes is always available and visible.

How to get an NFT POAP

Issuing an NFT POAP by an event organizer is very simple. In fact, it is enough to apply the Proof of Attendance protocol that creates a series of smart contracts that must contain a mandatory image of the event and data regarding the date or period of the event in which they certify participation.

As for the organizers, it is just as easy for the participants to get hold of the POAP. Just scan the QR code or access the URL to which the organizer will have transferred the token and download it conveniently to your wallet where it will be stored.

A special feature of POAP NFT

Proof of Attendance Protocol has no commercial value, but is purely affective. They are very linked to the world of digital events and online courses, but they can also be used off the web. Very often they are also distributed as memories of ceremonies that take place exclusively in presence such as ceremonies and concerts.

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