Giorgia Meloni and Rishi Sunak at AI Safety Summit

AI summit in London, Meloni: "We are facing a new frontier of progress"

2 November 2023


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In London, at Bletchley Park, took place the AI Safety Summit, a two-day event focused on artificial intelligence. The summit brings together international governments from 29 countries, leading artificial intelligence companies, civil society groups and research experts. The objective is to:

  • consider the risks of AI, especially in the field of development
  • discuss how these risks can be mitigated through internationally coordinated actions

Giorgia Meloni’s speech at the AI Safety Summer

Other speakers at the summit included US Vice-President Kamala Harris, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Elon Musk, Chinese computer scientist Andrew Yao and Italian Council President Giorgia Meloni. Here are his words:

"We are facing a new frontier of progress, which for the first time risks seriously jeopardizing the very principle of the centrality of man. Artificial intelligence is a technology that changes the way we do things, just like we did with electricity or the industrial revolution. But compared to every other revolution of the past, artificial intelligence prefigures a world in which progress no longer optimizes human capabilities, but risks replacing them. And if in the past this substitution mainly concerned physical work, so that people could devote themselves to conceptual work, now it is the intellect that is likely to be replaced, impacting even highly skilled workers".

The use of AI in the geopolitical landscape

"Artificial intelligence is destined to have a marked impact on current geopolitical scenarios and balances, trivially because it is a technology that can guarantee to those who manage and use it a competitive advantage. Just like it happened, and it still does, for other technologies, starting with energy. History has taught us that from the competition to obtain that advantage and the differences between those who have achieved that advantage and those who remain behind can arise tensions, if not even conflicts".

AI at the G7 Summit

"Italy intends to put these issues, together with digital security, at the centre of the discussions of the upcoming Italian G7 Presidency, in continuity with the work done by the Japanese Presidency. We will work on how to foster shared governance, involving both the public and private sectors. We intend to develop "ethical guardrails", a set of ethical principles to underpin generative AI governance and related technologies, to be followed in the development of the dissemination and use of these technologies, both in the public and private sectors, to ensure that man remains at the heart of our society".

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