Investir sur soi avec un coach.

A new economy is possibile. Investing in yourself, offering the services of a coach

16 November 2023


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Here at The Meta Economist we are persuaded that the new economy system has something to deal with self-confidence. This because we are approaching this new economic era with the awareness that or goals will be connect to our personal decision not to the big economic system's ones. Believe in yourself will lead to believe in the new blockchain economy too in some ways, because you will believe that a self-governed economy is possibile.

So, who has never dreamed of changing their life? To find a better job that we like and that gives us more time without losing money. To develop new skills, with the energy that comes from developing new perspectives. All of this is possible, on one condition: invest in yourself. Isn't that the smartest investment? Develop your skills to hand in your resignation to your boss before you win the lottery. For this, investing in a coach is one of the best solutions. 

Find the best way to invest in yourselfle

There are many ways to invest in yourself. You can ask for the services of: 

A friend, 

A doctor, 

A therapist, 

A consultant, 


The best way is through the specialized service of a coach. You've probably heard of life coaches, those experts who help you know how to progress. 

Pourquoi être assisté par un coach ? 

Un coach est le meilleur moyen de nous guider sur le chemin de la positivité. On ne va pas se le cacher, vouloir changer de métier est souvent le signe d’un profond sentiment de pessimisme. On ne peut pas investir sur soi en restant attaché à ce sentiment.

Nous avons un métier prenant, qui ne nous plaît pas, et qui nous laisse peu de temps pour soi. Parfois, ce sont les obligations familiales qui nous pèsent, et le travail sur notre esprit devient alors obligatoire pour conserver un semblant de vie équilibrée. 

Bien souvent, cette remise en question, cette réorganisation, on ne peut la réussir seul. Investir dans un coach devient la seule solution pour réussir à voir les choses d’une manière différente, et à trouver des solutions à des problèmes qui nous semblent insolubles. 

To be fulfilled requires to acquire new habits, to develop new ways of thinking, and thus to grow internally. So many things that are not possible without investing in yourself.

This progression requires a few months of hard work. The difficulty lies not only in the fact that we must remain motivated, but also in the fact that we must find the tool that suits us best.

Why be assisted by a coach? 

A coach is the best way to guide us on the path to positivity. Let's face it, wanting to change jobs is often a sign of a deep sense of pessimism. You can't invest in yourself by staying attached to this feeling.

We have a busy job, which we do not like, and which leaves little time for ourselves. Sometimes, family obligations weigh us down, and work on our mind becomes mandatory to maintain a semblance of a balanced life. 

Very often, this questioning, this reorganization, cannot be done alone. Investing in a coach becomes the only solution to succeed in seeing things in a different way, and to find solutions to problems that seem insoluble. 

How to find a coach?

Quality coaches are few and far between, while our expectations of them are high. We should therefore not invest in just any coach. We want them to have expertise in the field of coaching; we want them to have communicative energy. 

A competent coach is a coach who helps us find the resources that are hidden within ourselves. A coach knows how to put us into action, following a strategy that will lead us to our own transformation. 

Above all, a coach must not practice his profession as a simple activity, a business that he must run with our money. On the contrary, he must be able to establish a relationship that goes beyond the simple clientele. That's what investing in a coach is all about.

Finding a coach online is easy. You can go to sites like Fiverr, or the yellow pages to find a coach near you. You can also find a life coach through personal development books that you read. Often the author is also a life coach. 

Does a coach have the keys to success? 

A life coach does not have the key to success. However, he has the ability to make you understand that success is within you, and that you already possess this key. A life coach's function is to make you understand that you have the ability to succeed. 

The plan that he will draw up to show you the way to success will correspond to you. His goal is to invite you to work on your body and your mind, to refuel your energy. 

Each session must be felt as a benefit, an asset in your quest. The interest of each session is based on a constructive discussion, which will allow you to evaluate the tool he has put at your disposal, and which should have allowed you to achieve the desired result. 

Is there an alternative to coaching? 

Yes, to invest in yourself and succeed, there is not only personal coaching that works. You can very well rely on books, or specialized training, find a school. 

There are many training courses available, for all the fields that may interest you. With the access to information and books that the internet allows, you can very well train yourself in a self-taught way, and invest in yourself today. 

The only limit to investing in yourself in this way is your ability to organize yourself, to find a discussion group, to stay motivated over time. This, however, remains the most complicated work. 

Know yourself before investing in yourself

To invest in yourself and change your life, learning new skills will not do the trick by itself. Training is only a means to an end. What you need to do is start by getting to know yourself better. 

You need to understand that you are the vehicle for this learning, which aims to change you. You are the engine of your change. To do this, you need to understand your emotions and conduct an introspective reflection. 

Some people, and some coaches, will ask you to practice gratitude, to allow a better change, and a better anchoring of your habits, to better reorganize your life. 

These practices, which are introspection and gratitude, will open the way to a personal fulfillment which is the key to your life.It is within you, you just have to grab it to open the door to your dreams. 

Which habits to change?  

We talk about changing your habits, but which ones? On the one hand, you will have to abandon all those that prevent you from progressing and make you unhappy, and adopt those that will make you grow: 

Abandon your compulsive purchases, 

Sell your collection of useless things, 

Initiate yourself to meditation, 

Start yoga, 

Set up a specific learning plan, 

Rethink your budget to save and invest,


Changing your life by investing in yourself doesn't happen overnight. It requires a new organization of daily life, and a new way of seeing the world. Developing new skills is essential to this success.

So, if learning to manage your money better, to control your emotions, to give up your pernicious habits, seems like a very big deal to you, starting by finding a good coach can be the best investment of your life. 

Only then will you be able to invest in yourself by subscribing to trainings that will allow you to change your career, and therefore your life.

In collaboration with Web3 Academy



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